Some Graces are only Given Through Mary – Jan 07 – Homily – Fr Matthias

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Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington on Jan 07, 2023, where he continues his reflection on the conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne but focuses on the role of Mary as a mediator of graces, especially through devotions such as wearing the miraculous medal and praying the Memorare.

Some graces are given to us only through Our Lady, and only by Consecration to Mary will all graces be given.

He points to the Wedding feast at Cana, where Our Lady prompts our Lord to do His first miracle

The grace of that first miracle would not have happened since He said it was not His hour

And she was there because she was invited along with Jesus and his apostles.

We should ask Mary for the grace to become great Christians. Once we have done this, then all the graces will flow.

The Good wine is kept until Our Lady intercedes

Miraculous medal apparition, the rays from the rings on her fingers did not all have rays. These represent those graces that were not given because nobody asked for them

To St Catherine Labore, if you wear this medal, many graces will be given. It is us saying, "I want those graces"

Need to wear and share the medal with others.

This is a continuation of a talk from our 1st Saturday Devotion:

Ave Maria!

Mass: Wkdays before Epiphany - Jan 7 - Wkdy
Readings:  -
1st: 1jo 5:14-21
Resp: psa 149:1-2, 3-4, 5 and 6a and9b 0
Gsp: joh 2:1-11

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