The Test of Loving Others – Jan 05 – Homily – Fr Terrance

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Jan 05, 2023, reflects on the First reading where just as the murderous anger of Cain against his brother Abel demonstrates the evil in his heart, so does good deeds toward others show our inner goodness, but this can be rather tough.

Cain killed his own soul through anger before killing Abel

Matthew 5: 22 - But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment -

St Augustine, anyone can make the sign of the cross, but charity is the great test,

Not in externals but internals

Love and good are not what I want them to mean but what they mean to God

St Gregory, the great, respectable though

Jesus' golden rule Mat 7: 12 "do to others what you want others to do to you". This will give us peace -

How we judge others is how God will judge us

We must recognize what we have inside and recognize that it is not

2 Cor 10: 5 -

Must bring these thoughts to the lord and ask for the spirit of mercy, see the good in others

We must pray for those who aren't charitable, simple great actor charity, repairs spiritual damage done to others and ourselves

why do we have animosity and anger toward others? the first step to fixing this, ask for help from others

Self-knowledge brings humility and mercy, which go together like peanut butter and jelly

Need to interiorize God's love, to know that I am loved in order to love

Prayer is key, reflecting on God's love for us, especially on the cross

this would have helped Cain and all those who are contemplating violence

St Augustine

Ave Maria!

Mass: St John Neumann - Mem
Readings: Wkdays before Epiphany - Jan 5 -
1st: 1jo 3:11-21
Resp: psa 100:1b-5
Gsp: joh 1:43-51

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