How Not to be Deceived – Jan 04 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Jan 04, 2023, on how to not be deceived in a deceptive word that is trying to take you away from Christ.
1 John 1: 3 people are trying to deceive -
1 John 2: 26 - "I write you these things about those who would deceive you." -
St Bede, not only the heretic but those with right intentions but still too fearful of human criticism
John 14: 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life. -
St Clement of Rome
Rev 12: 9 - devil deceives the whole world as all an agent of the devil does -
Luke 23: 34 - Father, forgive them they know not what they do -
we are most often more comfortable with error than truth, love darkness instead of light - John 3: 19 -
Gen 3: 13 eve was deceived because she wanted to be -
Easier to deceive the young and immature and especially those living a sinful life
1 John 1: 6 if we say that we are Christians but walk in darkness is a liar -
he who does what is 1 John 3: 7 -
How do we tell if someone is deceived?
First - Are they living a sinful life, which is inherently deceptive?
Must pray for them and do good for them. This is the hope for their conversion.
2nd - Are they calling us to break communion with the church?
Abp Christophe Pierre is distraught that bishops in the US are saying it is OK for the faithful to go to the SSPX, deception that they are a legitimate Church.
third - Are they arguing against articles of the faith? Let no one deceive you who calls sin good and good evil. This requires being informed from the catechism
John 8: 31-32 - If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples -
Pray not to be deceived
St Maximilian Kolbe Consecration is a great means, devotion to Mary
Personalize the love of God through heart-to-heart prayers
St Theresa of Avila A Christian cannot be deceived. We must hold on to the faith with humility and obedience
Ask Mary for help against the deceits of the devil
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Mem
Readings: Wkdays before Epiphany - Jan 4 -
1st: 1jo 3:7-10
Resp: psa 98:1, 7-8, 9
Gsp: joh 1:35-42
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