SSPX Founder’s Distorted Theology on Tradition & the Church – Nov 16 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Nov 16, 2022, on the communication between Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Lefebvre, founder of the SSPX (Society of St. Pius X) as the pope was trying to convince his wayward son to cease his rebellion. The pope points out that Lefebvre had a distorted theology on Tradition and the Church. This refers to recently published unedited writings of Paul VI from the book "La barca di Paolo" by Leonardo Sapienza, "The Barque of Paul"
Letter of June 29, 1975, after SSPX was suppressed -
Lefebvre and his followers compared himself to Athanasius, who fought almost single-handedly against the majority of bishops.
But Paul VI points out Athanasius was backed by the preceding ecumenical council, the Council of Nicea, whereas Lefebvre railed against the preceding ecumenical council, Vatican II.
Faculties were taken away from Lefebvre, but he ignored this, performing illicit masses and priestly ordinations in front of thousands with large crowds of journalists.
Paul VI’s private audience with Lefebvre at Castel Gandolfo Sept. 11th of 1976 - some of this is included in an article here:
Paul VI: Lefebvre you have taken the position of an Anti-Pope, Denied Papal infallibility, called the pope a modernist and disobeyed the pope in front of large crowds.
Lefebvre blames everyone but himself.
Problems do exist in the Church since the council that Pope Paul admitted and strived to correct
But disobedience is not edification of the Church.
The final letter of Paul VI on the errors of Lefebvre. Oct. 11th, 1976, There are 2: 1) a “distorted concept of Tradition” & 2) a "warped ecclesiology" – a warped understanding of the Church itself.
2009 BXVI problems are primarily doctrinal
Turned small t into big T
Ditched the Tradition of Papal primacy, putting himself in league with Luther, Luther applied personal interpretation to the Bible, and Lefebvre did the same to Tradition.
Ironically rejected the collegiality of Vatican II in favor of strict Papal Supremacy but then disobeyed the supreme pope.
Denied the indefectibility of the Church calling the Catholic Church a “Conciliar” & a “schismatic” Church
Msgr. John Magee, secretary of Pope Paul VI, says the pope did great penance as a just reparation for the grave offenses to God that Lefebvre committed.
Links relating to this subject:
Ecco il verbale segreto dell’incontro fra Paolo VI e Lefebvre - La Stamp - True or False Pope: Lefebvre Letters -
True or False, Lefebvre -
Ecclesia Dei (July 2, 1988) | John Paul II ( -
Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church concerning the remission of the excommunication of the four Bishops consecrated by Archbishop Lefebvre (March 10, 2009) | BENEDICT XVI ( -
Letter of the Holy Father to the Bishops of the whole world, that accompanies the Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio data “Traditionis custodes” (16 July 2021) | Francis ( - -
Ave Maria!
Mass: St Gertrude the Great - Opt Mem
Readings: Wednesday in the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time -
1st: rev 4:1-11
Resp: psa 150:1-6
Gsp: luk 19:11-28
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