5 of 5 – Coredemptrix – 5 Marian Stones – Fr. Elias
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Ave Maria!
Fr Elias Mills, FI gives the fifth talk for the retreat for our layperson group, the MIM, in the Fall of 2022, titled "5 Marian Stones," on the five dogmas/doctrines of Mary. This talk discusses the 5th Marian stone, Mary as Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate, and how it integrates with the other dogmas and with our Marian spirituality.
Co-redemption, what does it mean?
Does not mean Co-equal but “with” the Redeemer. Participate but not equal, complimentary
She participated in a unique way, which enables us to participate in a lesser way
Franciscan point of view is that co-action is part of being a mediatrix and being an advocate, so it is all kind of one. God wants creatures to be involved in their own redemption.
We want to unite our prayers to Mary's because our Lord listens to her prayers.
Holy Spirit came down upon Mary at Pentecost, again mediatrix, showing that she is spouse of the Holy Spirit.
The circularity of God
All of the women in the Old Testament who struck at the head.
By letting Mary crush the head of Satan, gives God more Glory by using a seemingly weak instrument.
The devil just wants us to wait endlessly and put off the proclamation
Why do we need five dogmas?
St Bernardine of Siena promoted the mediation of Mary. Novena to our lady.
12 Stars of our Lady
Mary is the cause of our joy because she is a member of the human race but Mother of the Son, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, and Daughter of the father
Trinity is Creator God, and creation forms another triangle inverted with blessed Mary at the summit of creation and the juncture between it and the creator
Also on YouTube: https://youtu.be/CQtY8hrnKog
For the YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmd92QbMv88&list=PLejh_e0-LN4yfkhWiRjD0P2Ki5YhxOHPv
About this series: 5 Marian Stones refers to the five Marian Dogmas of the Catholic Church. Four have been proclaimed, Mother of God, Perpetual Virginity, Immaculate Conception, Assumption into heaven, and another that is proposed, Mary Coredemptrix (and Mediatrix, Advocate), which has a strong basis in tradition and in the magisterium. Spreading the knowledge of these dogmas and living the consequences of them by consecrating our lives to Mary forms the basis of St Maximilian Kolbe's Franciscan spirituality, which the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the associated MIM follow.
About the MIM: MIM stands for Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix. It is an apostolate of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI), that helps lay people participate in their spirituality, which is to live and promote unlimited consecration to Mary, the Mother of God and Immaculate Mediatrix.
For more on the MIM https://marymediatrix.com/m-i-m/