4 of 5 – The Assumption – 5 Marian Stones – Fr. Elias
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Ave Maria!
Fr Elias Mills, FI gives the fourth talk for the retreat for our layperson group, the MIM, in the Fall of 2022, titled "5 Marian Stones," 5 dogmas/doctrines of Mary. This talk discusses the 4th Marian stone, the Assumption, and how it integrates with the other dogmas and with our Marian spirituality.
Nov 1, 1950 - Pius the 12th
On the Feast of the Dormition
No fear because of sinlessness.
Proclaimed to increase the glory of God and the church to rejoice.
Upon the completion of the course of her earthly life
Tradition, return to Jerusalem
Mary is enjoying all that we will enjoy when we get to heaven
It may have been 20 years after Jesus was crucified
Was left behind in order to teach the apostles to adore the blessed sacrament
Biblical evidence - those taken up to heaven directly, body and soul
Elias and Enoch, two witnesses
Will be killed. people will rejoice, but they will come back to life in 3 days
CCC 966
This is not our home
Our lady is already there to draw us there
Importance of the body
Cremation is okay but need to put the ashes in the cemetery or mausoleum
Encouraging to know that it'll be worth it on the last day
Mother Teresa was joyful because she put others first and herself last
More to life than what's here
Getting old means suffering. If we know the value of suffering we would ask for more.
Assumption helps us to see the benefit of suffering, helps us to see the reward
Suffering for others, vicarious reparation
Helps us to embrace fasting and mortification
Also on YouTube: https://youtu.be/E2mjlC1Ka6I
For the YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmd92QbMv88&list=PLejh_e0-LN4yfkhWiRjD0P2Ki5YhxOHPv
About this series: 5 Marian Stones, refers to the five Marian Dogmas of the Catholic Church. Four have been proclaimed, Mother of God, Perpetual Virginity, Immaculate Conception, Assumption into heaven, and another that is proposed, Mary Coredemptrix (and Mediatrix, Advocate), which has a strong basis in tradition and in the magisterium. Spreading the knowledge of these dogmas and living the consequences of them by consecrating our lives to Mary forms the basis of St Maximilian Kolbe's Franciscan spirituality, which the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the associated MIM follow.
About the MIM: MIM stands for Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix. It is an apostolate of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI), that helps lay people participate in their spirituality, which is to live and promote unlimited consecration to Mary, the Mother of God and Immaculate Mediatrix.
For more on the MIM https://marymediatrix.com/m-i-m/