3 of 5 – Perpetual Virginity, Mother of God – 5 Marian Stones – CONF 586
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Ave Maria!
Fr Elias Mills, FI gives the third talk for the retreat for our layperson group, the MIM, in the Fall of 2022, titled "5 Marian Stones," 5 dogmas/doctrines of Mary. This talk discusses the 2nd and 3rd Marian stones, the Perpetual Virginity of Mary, and her title "Mother of God," and how it integrates with the other dogmas and with our Marian spirituality.
Mediatrix of all graces st Max, every action has an equal and opposite reaction
Theotokos vs Christotokos decided at Ephesus in favor of Theotokos that Mary is the mother of the person of Christ, is a divine person, and thus Mother of God. 431 AD
Nestorius Jesus is a demigog - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestorius
Defined natures of Christ are human and divine, but a human person
Mary truly is the mother of Jesus a divine person
Perpetual Virginity
Pope St Martin - Mary Virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ
Christ passed through her womb like light through glass
Missed many notes
Also on YouTube: https://youtu.be/8JApjsMgVrw
For the YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmd92QbMv88&list=PLejh_e0-LN4yfkhWiRjD0P2Ki5YhxOHPv
About this series: 5 Marian Stones, refers to the five Marian Dogmas of the Catholic Church. Four have been proclaimed, Mother of God, Perpetual Virginity, Immaculate Conception, Assumption into heaven, and another that is proposed, Mary Coredemptrix (and Mediatrix, Advocate), which has a strong basis in tradition and in the magisterium. Spreading the knowledge of these dogmas and living the consequences of them by consecrating our lives to Mary forms the basis of St Maximilian Kolbe's Franciscan spirituality, which the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the associated MIM follow.
About the MIM: MIM stands for Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix. It is an apostolate of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI), that helps lay people participate in their spirituality, which is to live and promote unlimited consecration to Mary, the Mother of God and Immaculate Mediatrix.
For more on the MIM https://marymediatrix.com/m-i-m/