2 of 5 – The Immaculate Conception – 5 Marian Stones – CONF 585

By October 13, 2022Conferences

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Ave Maria!

Fr Elias Mills, FI gives the second talk for the retreat for our layperson group, the MIM, in the Fall of 2022, titled "5 Marian Stones," 5 dogmas/doctrines of Mary. This talk discusses the 1st Marian stone, the Immaculate Conception of Mary, and how it integrates with the other dogmas and with our Marian spirituality.


More on the big picture

Metaphysics what does it mean, the study of being, the Most abstract form of philosophy that is a background for theology

Five stones are the four dogmas of Mary, with the fifth being the doctrine of the Coredemption

First stone - Immaculate conception - Holy Spirit is Eternal Immaculate Conception

Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit, so she is Mrs. Immacualte Conception

Ad Interna

St Francis, “My God and my all” - St Max, “My Immaculata my all”

Scotus depends on Immaculate Conception based on the Absolute Primacy of Christ and Dual predestination 

Marian Existus and Redditus

Ascending Mediation Jacobs ladder type of Our Lady

Virgo Terra - God formed Man from Pure Earth, Virgin Earth

Second adam from Virgin Mar

St Proculus - Adam made from virgin earth Liturgy of the Hours, Saturday, Memorial of Virgin Mary

Leads to Mediatrix of all graces

God wanted it this way, Potuit, Decuit, Fecit, He could do it. It was fitting to do it. So he did it.

All five dogmas come from the first Immaculate Conception

Two phases of Franciscan HIstory, before and after the proclamation of the Immaculate Conception

Second phase if promoting and fleshing out the meaning of the Immaculate Conception

It involves working for the fifth Marian dogma

For the greatest glory of Mary, which is what God wants

USA's role in the proclamation of the Immaculate Conception

First Franciscan Missionaries to the New World were promoters of Immaculate Conception

Including Juan (John) Zumeraga and Ven Mary of Agreda, a Poor Clare, Conceptionist Nun

John Carol first bishop of US, educated in Paris, where Scotus defended the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception

He was ambassador to the King of France, brother of Carol, signer of the Declaration of Independence


Bishop 1846 petitioned the Vatican to make Mary Immaculate Conception Patroness of US, influential in Pius IXs decision to declare Mary as Immaculate Conceived.

Pope, after exile at Gaeta, holds Synod on dogma

St John Neiman of Philadelphia held the text while Pope IX read the proclamation

Many associated with IC are incorrupt

Our Lady of America, for all you have done for the Immaculate Conception, I want to bless your country, If you process my statue into the completed shrine, then more miracles than at Fatima and Lourdes combined will occur 

We do need a major miracle

US will become a force of missionary purity, Now that will be a miracle!

Also on YouTube: https://youtu.be/rSZj_ulTEaw

For the YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmd92QbMv88&list=PLejh_e0-LN4yfkhWiRjD0P2Ki5YhxOHPv

About this series: 5 Marian Stones, refers to the five Marian Dogmas of the Catholic Church. Four have been proclaimed, Mother of God, Perpetual Virginity, Immaculate Conception, Assumption into heaven, and another that is proposed, Mary Coredemptrix (and Mediatrix, Advocate), which has a strong basis in tradition and in the magisterium. Spreading the knowledge of these dogmas and living the consequences of them by consecrating our lives to Mary forms the basis of St Maximilian Kolbe's Franciscan spirituality, which the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the associated MIM follow.

About the MIM: MIM stands for Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix. It is an apostolate of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI), that helps lay people participate in their spirituality, which is to live and promote unlimited consecration to Mary, the Mother of God and Immaculate Mediatrix.

For more on the MIM https://marymediatrix.com/m-i-m/


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