SSPX & 1st Spiritual Work of Mercy – Sep 29 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Sep 29, 2022, on the first spiritual work of mercy, counsel the doubtful as he continues his series on the works of mercy.
Compendium or the Catechism -
Prove 15 22 with many advisers -
Prov 11 14 with an abundance of counselors, there is safety -
St Francis asked counsel about the direction of his order.
Is 9 6 - you us a prophet will be -
John 14 16,17, 26 - Jesus calls HS the counselor, counseling is cooperating in work of God -
God does not always give answers directly but through others, seek and you will find Mt 7 7 -
Even simple spiritual advice is very important
Two examples of *bad* counsel, one liberal, one conservative:
Dr. Phil and Lila Rose - Dr. Phil says the scientific community is not sure when life begins; we must decide, similar to the justification of slavery. If in doubt, then don't kill. need to have a heart for the truth, need to decide if persons are open to receiving counsel
2nd example - SSPX - An auxiliary bishop in a foreign country says SSPX are not in schism and acceptable deviations given the emergency at hand
John Salza addresses all this -
"not formally excommunicated", but neither are the Easter Orthodox, but they are in schism and all those who participate in abortion ar excommunicated
Papal document JPII - Ecclesia Dei on SSPX we need to be united and cease support of them -
There is only one Church, and if someone is baptized, then they are a member, but what is their unitive status, they are not submitting themselves to the hierarchy
"But they are keeping the faith" Benedict XI disagrees, and they reject JPII's 1989 Profession of faith
"But they are given " yes but so can the Orthodox priests
"Continuing to do what the saints did," but what saint ever was disobedient to the pope, ignoring all censures, denigrating the pope, and rejecting the church of Rome
"Emergency of faith" is simply a license to do what you want, whether you are Marcel Lefebvre or Martin Luther
Auxiliary bishop in far away country does not have jurisdiction here nor even in his diocese, that is for the bishop only
To follow him and not the Church is to be Protestant, Not a game, gambling with soul.
Mat 18 17 -
Don't associate with them
St. Augustine, do not count them as one of our members
Bad counsel is coming from the left and the right
To give good counsel is an act of mercy
Playlist, Works of Mercy, by Fr. Terrance on YouTube:
Works of Mercy: Introduction -
The seven corporal works of mercy:
1. Feed the hungry. -
2. Give drink to the thirsty. -
3. Clothe the naked. -
4. Shelter the homeless. -
5. Visit the sick. -
6. Visit the imprisoned. -
7. Bury the dead. -
The seven spiritual works of mercy:
1. Counsel the doubtful - Pt 1 and Pt 2 ...
2. Instruct the ignorant.
3. Admonish sinners.
4. Comfort the afflicted.
5. Forgive offenses.
6. Bear wrongs patiently.
7. Pray for the living and the dead.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael (Jn 1) - Feast
Readings: -
1st: dan 7:9-10, 13-14
Resp: psa 138:1-5
Gsp: joh 1:47-51
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