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Ave Maria Meditations

Armor of God: prayer from Ephesians 6:10-20

Helmet of Salvation: Lord, I chose to put on the helmet of salvation today, in order to protect my thinking. I want to think proper thoughts of You, others, and myself. I want all my spoken and unspoken thoughts to be pleasing to You, Lord, I do not want thoughts that lead me to temptation of sin. Thank You, Lord, for the Helmet of Salvation. (Remember, the battle begins in the mind.)

Breastplate of Righteousness and God’s Approval: Lord, I want to put on the breastplate of righteousness and God’s approval today. Protect my emotions. I only want to feel what You want me to feel. Don’t let me react by my feelings but let me respond to the basis of who I am in You, Lord Jesus Christ. I thank You for the breastplate of righteousness and God’s approval.

Gird Loins with Truth: We must know the Word of God (scripture) because it is from scripture where we find the truth. Lord, I want to put on the girdle of truth today.  Protect me from Satan’s lies. I want to know the truth and apply the truth to my life. Lord, grant me discernment, that when I listen to people, I may be able to discern what is truth and what is false.  Thank You, Lord, for the girdle of truth.

Sandals of Peace: I want to thank You Lord today that I am putting on the sandals of peace wherever I may go or wherever You may send me. I want to be a peacemaker. I want to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in such a fashion that I may be used as a tool of God. Lord, I want to be a peacemaker. Blessed are the peacemakers.

Shield of Faith: Lord, I want to thank You for your shield of faith today. No matter how many fiery missiles(arrows) satan throws at me today, no matter how intense or how bad temptations come my way, I want to thank You, Lord, for the shield of faith that I can hide behind. I stand firm upon the Rock of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our faith. Faith is a gift from Him, and He says above all, take on the shield of faith. It is our faith that makes us victorious. Thank You, Jesus, that today I have the shield of faith and I praise You for it.

The Sword of the Spirit: Lord, I want to thank You today for the Word of God. I thank You Lord, that Your Word is a two-edged sword. The way I am to use it is by sharing it with others who need to be saved. The sword of God is an offensive weapon. It touches the Spirit deep down in the heart where it convicts and turns people to God. For the believer, the word of God does not condemn us, it convicts us. It is also a defensive weapon when a believer is attacked. All they have to do is stand firm on God’s promises. (This is why we must know scripture.)

I thank You Lord, and if I am attacked today, I will stand firm on the promises of God. Lord, I promise to review the armor You have provided for me to use against the evil one, and I will discern my personal strengths and weaknesses and make adjustments accordingly. I will prepare for battle.


Sr. JosephMary f.t.i.

Author Sr. JosephMary f.t.i.

Our Lady found this unworthy lukewarm person and obtained for her the grace to enter the Third Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. May this person spend all eternity in showing her gratitude.

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