Chastity: 6th Commandment, Part 4 – Jun 07 – Homily – Fr Terrance

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Jun 07, 2022, on how the key to personal freedom is practicing chastity as called for in the 6th Commandment, as counterintuitive as this seems to modern thinking.

Everyone is called to chastity which is a virtue but also a gift because it gives integrity to the soul and gives us the ability to have the freedom, joy, and excitement of being able to love, to be selfless.

Chastity is to control our desire for sexual pleasure. To give in to our base desires is to enslave ourselves to our passion and thus sell ourselves into slavery.

The chaste person focuses on what to give to others, to respect others and themselves.

Chastity  involves maturity

CCC 2339 self-mastery and freedom

CCC 2342 This takes time grace and perseverance but leads to happiness

Tools for practicing chastity - CCC 2340

Self-knowledge: what are my near occasions of sin?  Not having too much self-confidence or complacency

Ascesis: Asceticism - practicing self-discipline

Obedience to the 10 Commandments

Practicing Moral virtues: put reason in control, not emotions or passions

Prayer: spend time with God asking him to give us strength,

Ave Maria!

Mass: Tuesday 10th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings:  -
1st: 1ki 17:7-16
Resp: psa 4:2-5, 7-8
Gsp: mat 5:13-16

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