Are homosexuals Born that Way? 6th Commandments, Part 2 – Jun 01 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Jun 01, 2022, on the 6th Commandment as it applies to homosexuals and whether they are born that way, quoting from many clinical experts, links below.
He points out that this orientation is not sinful, but the activity is.
He cites research on twins and genetics that definitively establish that there is no scientific evidence that people are born gay.
He then sites research on environmental factors, including relationships with parents and peers and failure to bond with fellow males or females thereof, as well as trauma in youth from rejection or abuse.
The Church must do a better job to help them be accepted, but also help them get out of the victim mentality and seek the help they need.
- Dr. Paul McHugh: “No Gay Gene” -
- Dr. Mary Lowery: “Homosexuality & Authentic Freedom” -
- Dr. Gerard van den Aardweg – 2018 JAHLF Conference -
- Dr. Neil Whitehead: “People Not Born Gay”-
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Justin Martyr - Mem
Readings: Wednesday 7th Week of Easter -
1st: act 20:28-38
Resp: psa 68:29-30, 33-36
Gsp: joh 17:11-19
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