#2 Structure of Daily Prayer Life – Going Deeper in Prayer – Fr Byrd – CONF 579
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Fr. Jerry Byrd gives the 2nd of five talks in his weekend retreat, "Going Deeper in Prayer," where he explains the structure of a Daily Prayer Life, including a daily schedule, types of prayer, and Fr Bartunek's four C's of Mental Prayer.
Spend an hour in prayer but not all at once
Half an hour is enough
4 Areas
mental prayer - needs a relationship with God
How to do Mental Prayer
Teresa is simple
Ligouri Three stages
Fr Bartunek's four C's of Mental Prayer: https://www.catholic365.com/article/6491/mental-prayer-how-to-do-it.html
1 Concentration - Silence, turn to God, Disposition to listen
2 Consider Read something spiritual, Consider what God is saying
3 Converse
4 Commit to growth in virtue
Finally, think high and ask for help in living it
Fr. Jerry Byrd is the pastor of St. Ann and St. Joseph, Jennings County, and St. Mary, North Vernon, in the Indianapolis Diocese. https://www.archindy.org/staff/priests/byrd-jerry.html
Also on YouTube: https://youtu.be/m-QaPcflGnI
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdIJPPuG7T0&list=PLejh_e0-LN4wxanhJZjTowGEXgcM84L5
From the Mother of the Retreat Redeemer Retreat Center: https://maryschildren.com/retreats/