Maximilian Kolbe’s Unfinished Business: His book on Mary and the Trinity – KBGF 27
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In this discussion we introduce the heart of the book "The Theologian of Auschwitz" by Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner, looking at the Introduction to Part V and a general overview of the two chapters making it up.
And then we chic-chat for a while on the theme of the Trinity, Jesus, Mary, and us. Join us in the comments!
The Theologian of Auschwitz:
Dr. Goff's page:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:52 Start of Introduction to Part V of Fehlner's book
00:02:05 What is in Part V?
00:02:40 Structure of Chapter 10: Theory
00:03:36 Structure of Chapter 11: Praxis
00:06:28 Kolbe's Contribution
00:11:24 Proximate Point and Objective
00:19:42 Fecundity and Mediation
00:23:13 Person and Operation of Mary
00:33:40 Discussion starts: Andrew on Mother of God<->Jesus and Immaculate<->Holy Spirit
00:36:50 Goff adds: Efficient and Final Causality and First Principle of Mariology
00:40:15 Need to incorporate the full vision of the Faith
00:40:50 Immaculate Conception only makes sense in the context of the Divine Missions
00:42:20 Graphical representation of the Immaculate Conception, Created and Uncreated
00:45:35 "Divine Maternity" temporal and eternally pre-destined; "Immaculate Conception" also relational
00:47:10 Grace on two level: Image becoming Similitude, Constitution of "Similitude"
00:50:54 Conditions for Creature to enter the Trinity, p. 270
00:53:18 Death to Self: Passing over to Transfiguration
00:56:45 Double aspect: Bring created by God, Returning to God through grace
00:59:28 Identity of Mary and her real relations to God and Us
01:01:05 Immaculate Conception: Mediation through Persons vs. Mediation of Natures
01:03:48 Marian Mediation is in the Spirit, not replacing Jesus
01:06:10 Goff on difference between Jesus and Mary in the history of salvation
01:09:45 Trying to fit Mary in or Mary having a key place based on Trinitarian Foundations
01:12:40 Mediation of Mary and Spirit: To unite soul to the "Inspired Word"
01:14:50 Makes no sense to see Mary in competition with Jesus! Jesus alone? Adam alone?
01:17:22 Goff: Divine Agency and created instrumentality: God creates Adam from Earth, Eve from Adam, Jesus from Mary, Mary/Church (spiritually) from Jesus
01:19:42 Intrinsic Trinitarian Dynamic omnipresent in economy
01:21:20 Mary unavoidable in this lens
01:22:03 Problems with -centric Theology: Geometric metaphor ends up distorting theology's structure
01:22:50 Full dependence of God as man's perfection and Kierkegaard's "Sickness unto Death"
01:26:35 Goff on import of Scotus' analysis of the created personhood as imperfection, not a positive perfection
01:29:20 Poverty and Obedience in St. Bonaventure and St. Francis
01:33:06 Perfect Poverty: Belonging to Mary and Charismatic Obedience
01:35:34 Our Personification of the Personalization of Christ's humanity
01:37:00 Conclusion
Ave Maria!