Mar 8 – Ven. Fiacre Tobin and John Dowdall – Franciscan Saint of the Day
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The life of Ven. Fiacre Tobin and John Dowdall, Martyrs, First Order (m. 1656 and 1600) for the Franciscan Saint of the Day for Mar 8. Fiacre and John were martyred during the persecution of Catholics in England.
Reflection is on the excellence of the sacraments which provide graces to all those who receive worthily.
For more on Ven. Fiacre Tobin and John Dowdall
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Read by Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, FI from Marion Habig's 'The Franciscan Book of Saints' Revised Edition, Franciscan Herald Press, ISBN: 978-0819907516
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Ave Maria!