Love Never Ends: 15th Mark of Charity – Feb 19 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Feb 19, 2022, on how on the 15th Mark of Charity, on how love never ends, it never fails, as he finishes his series on the Marks of Charity based on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.
Love never ends, fails, or falls.
Love never ends because it is related to the never-ending nature of God who is Love.
to love is to follow commandments
no difference between charity here and in heaven because both have the same source
First Our knowledge and prophecy is imperfect but when the perfect (love) comes the others will pass away
God is not distant or harsh but understanding and kind and loving
We are very important to God, very valuable in His eyes
Focus on God's mercy, not on our misery
According to St Theresa "To grow in holiness is to grow in love not knowledge"
God can not fail but I can through sin.
Love itself perseveres to the end. God loves us to the end John 13:1
God's love is perfect, selfless, and so never ends
Our failure in love is because we do n not love with God's love
God wants us to learn from our mistakes.
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Marks of Charity are from First Corinthians Chapt 13 -
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Conrad of Piacenza - Opt Mem
Readings: Saturday 6th Week of Ordinary Time -
1st: jam 3:1-10
Resp: psa 12:2-3, 4-5, 7-8
Gsp: mar 9:2-13
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