Duns Scotus’ Metaphysics of the Will (BONUS: Meet Steve!) KBGF 22

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What is the Person? How does the metaphysics of the will related to personhood? What is the Will according to Duns Scotus? In this 22nd seminar on Maximilian Kolbe according to Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner's book: "The Theologian of Auschwitz", we look at chapter 8 of the book.
This chapter lays the metaphysical foundation of the will that Maximilian Kolbe will later build off of. We look at the overlap between Will, Person, Aseity, Necessity, and other key concepts. Essentially, we geek out on the Trinity!
The Theologian of Auschwitz:
Other books mentioned:
Bonaventure's De Mysterium Trinitatis:
Dr. J. Isaac Goff's Caritas in Primo:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:55 Presentation: Will, Aseity, Person
00:01:05 Contents of Chapter
00:01:08 Thomas Aquinas on the Will
00:02:36 Kant on the Will
00:05:25 The Categorical Imperative
00:07:58 Thomas, Kant, Scotus
00:09:45 Goff on Kant as Irrational View of the Will
00:13:47 Chapter: The Scotistic Premises
00:14:35 The Formal Distinction
00:16:45 Examples of the Formal Distinction
00:17:45 Analogy Vs Univocity
00:18:30 STEVE!
00:21:20 Pure Perfections/Perfectio simpliciter simples
00:22:25 Range of Being and Perfections
00:24:15 Pure Act: Three Meanings
00:26:00 Charity-centric theology
00:28:00 Looking at the Text itself
00:28:55 Will as Pure Perfection & Power to Love the Good
00:29:27 What is pure act as aseity?
00:32:20 Acceptance and Order of Willing
00:34:15 The Will at the Heart of Aseity (Necessary and Personal Being)
00:35:15 Pure Act: Subsistence and Blessedness
00:38:55 Double Sense of Existence: qua substantia & qua subsistens
00:45:00 Andrew's Presentation on 2nd part of chapter
00:46:40 Intellect and Will: Pure Perfections
00:50:15 Natural and Supernatural in the Franciscan School
00:52:10 Causal Action in the Natural vs Voluntary Order
00:54:30 Necessary Being: Esse essentiae and esse existentiae
00:58:50 Necessary Being in Relation to Contingent Being
01:04:44 Trinitarian Basis for Understanding Divine Ideas
01:06:15 Voluntary Act not Formally Identical with Intelligibility
01:09:15 Reality and Intelligibility
01:11:53 GOFF JUMPS IN!
01:12:00 Primacy of Father
01:14:25 Communication of Divine Nature to Son and Spirit
01:15:15 Notional Acts and Divine Processions
01:17:20 Using Augustine's psych. analogy or Aristotle's perfect productions
01:19:15 4 Causes nested in the Personal Causality of the divine processions
01:21:30 Franciscans vs Thomistic Act-Potency Metaphysics
01:27:00 Being as a se and Self-determining: Reduce to Father
01:28:15 Naturalistic vs Personalistic Approaches
01:29:45 Created Capax Dei, Created Grace, & Communio
01:31:08 Absolute Primacy of Christ with Mary
01:33:55 The needed background
01:35:30 "Introductory" Texts for Franciscan Metaphysics
01:37:30 13th Century as unique theological moment
01:40:23 Voluntary Action Formally Identical with Intelligibility? (p. 212)
01:45:30 We speak to know, God speaks because He knows
01:47:45 Three types of Willing (d. Myst. Trin., ch. 7)
accepting will, both Processions through this
01:50:10 Three highest accepting-will-acts in Bible
01:51:40 Divine Will and Created Will
01:56:20 What is the intellect for then???
01:58:31 Closing

Ave Maria!


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