Kindness: 2nd Mark of Charity – Jan 07 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Jan 07, 2022, where he continues his series on the Marks of Charity with the second mark which is Kindness.
Kindness is a divine attribute and why he created us, it is how we become like Him
And why God gives us grace and redemption
Kindness has converted more people than virtues
Fr. Faber, religious people are the most un charitable just like the Pharisees
Are we kind as well as devout?
Even being kind we can nod =o so in a kind way, add common kindness to our uncommon grades.
Kindness is not as insignificant as we tend to assume
Makes hardened hearts become soft
Reduces the number of sins in the world
Convicts people who ae unkind to us
Kindness is also a great encouragement to others
kindness helps others be kind and us to be kind to our selves
Kindness makes us humble and happy
takes off our harsh edge of our manners
Requires more strength than cruelty
Helps us make creation more like what God intended.
Fr. Faber's book on Kindness:
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Marks of Charity are from 1 Cor 13
Ave Maria!
Mass: Fri post Epiphany or Jan 11 - Wkdy
Readings: -
1st: 1jo 5:5-13
Resp: psa 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20
Gsp: luk 5:12-16
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