Marian Metaphysics Pt. 1 (BONUS: Adam and Eve historical?) – KBGF 18

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In this 18th encounter we engage with Marian Metaphysics, Typology, and the intelligibility of history from a theological standpoint. We start with a presentation by Andrew Kellogg on chapter seven of Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner's The Theologian of Auschwitz, and another presentation on the article "Redemption, Metaphysics, and the Immaculate Conception". After commentary from Dr. Goff on the presentations, we also engage the question of the historicity of Adam and Eve as the first human couple and heads of the human race.

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The article:

00:00:00 Introduction with a mistake (18th, not 17th)
00:01:20 What is Theology of History?
00:02:50 Primacy of Metaphysics in Salvation History
00:04:28 Order of Intention (ad intra) vs Order of Execution (ad extra)
00:06:00 Less Perfect to More Perfect to Most Perfect
00:07:26 A Hidden Note on Franciscans fighting with Thomists!
00:08:45 The Ratio of History: The Intelligibility of History based on Wisdom of Divine Will
00:10:00 Condetermination and Mary: Freedom and Grace
00:11:30 Mary's Consent not up in the air: Freedom and Necessary
00:13:00 Immaculate Conception: Basis for resolving debate on the grace/free will!
00:13:20 The Decuit: Absolute Primary of Christ in Marian Mode as Root of Intelligibility of Creation
00:16:40 Which Mariology: Metaphysics, Salvation-History, or Personalist?
00:17:50 If only historical, impossible to understand the point of Mary
00:19:40 Mary's place in God's plan manifested in typology
00:23:30 Marian Metaphysics as Basis for interpreting history
00:23:35 History is orientated towards and around the Incarnation in Marian Mode
00:25:20 History in the Age of Grace
00:28:50 Movement from 6th to 7th age thru Marian Mediation
00:32:10 Mistress of History not substituting for Lord of History, but Marian form of Christocentrism
00:34:00 Development of Doctrine in a Marian Key
00:34:30 Kolbe and Doctrinal Development with Newman's Idea: contains all, but grows and purifies over time
00:37:20 Fixed Idea as metaphysical vs psychological
00:38:15 Kolbe going beyond Newman: From Idea to Person
00:38:15 Kolbe going beyond Newman: Marian Metaphysical Basis
00:44:00 Root development in a metaphysics, not in evolutionary change
00:45:00 Newman's "Idea" is Bonaventure's Ratio and Scotus' Formalitas
00:46:00 Stability in Development (Fehlner's Newman and Scotus in Dialogue, pp. 294-5)
00:47:25 Metaphysical Theology (Order of Intention) or Historical/Hermeneutical (Order of Execution)
00:50:10 Ratzinger and Rahner: Trying to engage with Protestants who ditch metaphysics
00:50:45 Metaphysics and History: the Crisis of 20th century theology
00:51:00 Metaphysics of Marian Mediation: It's Role in the Intellectual Life
00:51:50 Kolbe rooted in Bonaventure
00:52:10 structure/development of Theology
00:52:25 Mary and the Trinity
00:53:20 Mediation of Mary in the intellectual life
00:53:50 Kolbe builds on Bonaventure's Trinitarian theology in Marian key
00:54:34 Not Mariology, but Marianized Theology
00:55:00 Marianized Theology: Object and Method
01:04:40 Magistra theologiae et theologorum: Mary and Object of Our Theology
01:09:25 Mary makes content of object of Theology accessible
01:10:35 Mary elevates and fortifies the mind
01:12:20 Special illumination/Infused Faith
01:14:20 What kinds of objects known in theology? Supernatural objects, or objects natural to a supernatural mode of knowing?
01:20:20 Presentation on Fehlner's Article: Redemption, Metaphysics, and the Immaculate Conception
01:21:30 Meaning of title
01:23:40 Structure of Article
01:26:50 Context of Article in Fehlner's Writings
01:27:55 Context of Article in Fehlner's thinking
01:28:50 Square of Opposition btwn controlling centers of spirituality
01:30:45 Point of the Article: Extremes and Antinomies
01:32:30 Deification of Secular Progress
01:33:25 Point of Union
01:34:28 Status Quaestionis: Christus Solus Fashionable
01:36:00 Mary and Church: Whose first?
01:37:00 2 Central Claims: Jesus is Redeemer, Redemption is Joint Work of Jesus and Mary
01:37:50 Coordination of Jesus and Mary
01:38:30 (Fra Charles doesn't know English)
01:41:30 Structure of Typology: Archetype, Prototype, Types, Anti-Type
01:44:00 IMPORTANT! Exitus a starting point not for duplication of Trinity in creation, but for extension of Trinitarian life over creation as the Kingdom of God
01:47:44 Fr. Peter pointed out the path, we have work to do
01:49:50 Typology makes theology accessible
01:54:40 Genesis 1-2 and the Trinity
02:01:10 Dr. Goff on Divine vs. Special Illumination in Bonaventure or Natural vs. Infused Faith in Scotus
02:03:30 Sanctification of the Intellect and Faith
02:08:15 Scotus on Natural and Infused Faith
02:13:50 Sin and Freedom and Grace in Jesus and Mary
02:17:00 Question: Historicity of Adam and Eve
02:17:20 Start of Response: Christological problems, problems with Original Sin, Problems with typology
02:19:00 Grammar of typology: Anti-type presumes a historical type
02:20:00 Deny First Parents: Demythologizing Christianity
02:21:00 Magisterial Weight of historicity
02:22:15 Inspiration of Scripture
02:24:00 If impossible to defend historicity of Adam and Eve: Christianity ceases to Exist
02:25:00 Christian has mythical and symbolic aspects, but is foundationally historical
02:26:00 Fundamentalist literalism or Metaphysics
02:27:40 Devil's Advocate, Thomistic Evolution
02:29:15 Consider full range of theology, ideas not only from mainstream (which changes every few years)
02:30:00 Bultmann demythologization and dodging the question
02:31:10 Making a mess of internal coherence of Christianity
02:31:50 Over-specialization and web of beliefs
02:33:20 Effect of heresy, or hyper-focus on one element that can deepen point useful
02:36:15 Catholic Scholars: from ignoring other methods to embracing them after their expiration date
02:37:40 Catholics 40-70 years behind Protestant Scripture Scholars!
02:38:35 Thick view of inspiration works hard to resolve apparent contradictions
02:41:35 Dr. Lydia McGrew as example of this
02:43:20 Dr. Goff forgets he has a life
02:43:30 Update on the Collected Works of Fr. Peter
02:45:20 Conclusion and preparation for next encounter

Ave Maria!


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