Trinitarian Mediation and Mary (BONUS: Franciscans vs Thomists) – Kolbe Seminar #17
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Looking at the second part of Chapter 6 in Peter Damian Fehlner's The Theologian of Auschwitz, we discuss the Trinitarian foundation for Mary's mediation in the Economy of Salvation and how this connects to themes of Communio, so precious to Saint John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.
We find that looking to the function of the Holy Spirit inside the Trinity illumines the place of Mary in the One Mediation of Jesus Christ, and how the Oneness of this mediation doesn't prevent but opens up subordinate mediation.
We also speak about the Primacy of Christ, always conceived of as in a one-flesh union with his bride, questions of Nature vs. Supernature, Augustine's analogy between the mind (memory, intellect, will) and the Trinity, differences between Franciscans and Thomists, and Mary's place in the economy as preventing the Economic of Salvation from being collapsed back into the inner life of the Trinity.
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00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:29 Person, Communion, and Ecstatic Mind
00:05:50 Trinity and "Mediation" of Holy Spirit
00:07:25 Exitus and Reditus, Jn 16:28
00:11:05 Economic Trinity
00:12:10 Mediation and Metaphysical Primacy
00:13:55 Primacy of Christ
00:16:35 Freedom of Mary's Mediation KW 1310
00:22:05 "One Flesh" unity of Mary and Jesus
00:24:45 Action/Reaction
00:26:00 Hot Mic!
00:27:49 The Mediatrix and the One Mediator
00:29:06 Economic Trinity and the two Missions
00:31:45 Mediation THROUGH (Word, Jesus) and IN (H. Spirit, Mary)
00:33:05 Where is the Primacy? KW 1286
00:37:35 Vertex of Love, Mary at center of Economy of Salvation p153
00:41:15 John Paul II: Family and Community of Persons
00:44:05 Communion as way of existing giving rise to community
00:45:35 Man's intertwined finalities: Self-Possession, Self-Gift
00:46:45 Gift as Expressive of Trinity: Giver, Receiver, Gift Given
00:50:35 A question about Nature and Supernature, Image and Similitude, Intellect and Will
00:59:55 Dr. Goff answers on three levels: Trinity, Image, Mode of Operation
01:12:20 Theotokos as Immaculate Conception, Cosmic Mariology
01:20:45 Psychological Analogy of the Trinity as clearest vision we have of Trinity
01:24:55 IMPORTANT: Kolbe’s point of reference is the Trinity, Immanent and Economic pg. 150
01:27:05 Intellect: Resemblance and distance, Will: Union and intimacy
01:33:05 Thomas vs. Franciscans on Lumen Gloriae
01:42:05 Thomas vs. Franciscans on Exemplary Ideas/Signs of the Divine Will
01:43:33 Thomas vs. Franciscans on Man as Capax Dei
01:45:45 Thomas vs. Franciscans on Supernature
01:47:15 Thomas vs. Franciscans on Will and Natural Desire for God
01:55:05 Contemporary Theologians and this sort of theology
01:58:45 Work to be done: Unite Scotus with John Paul II and Newman
02:03:05 Mary vs. the collapsing of Economic into the Immanent Trinity
02:06:05 Mediation Thru and In: The Itinerarium of Bonaventure
02:07:55 Mediation easier for Franciscans
Ave Maria!