Kolbe: History and Doctrine (BONUS: Marian Typology) – Kolbe #16

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In the 16th encounter, we start Chapter 6 of Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner's The Theologian of Auschwitz where he looks at the 1932 Circular Letter to Students of the Conventual Franciscans about the Cause of the Immaculate as the dynamic core of Franciscanism. Along the way, we discuss the Trinitarian basis of the Economy of Salvation and Mary's elevated place in it, the nature of the "Secular" and the neutral moral act of Scotus, the dignity of matter, Marian typology and Temple theology, and what it means to "incorporate the mystery of the Immaculate Conception into the life of the Church".

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00:00:00 Intro to Chapter 6, based on Kolbe's Letter to Friar Students
00:02:40 Structure of Chapter 6
00:03:50 Evolution in Kolbe based on Bonaventure
00:10:39 Evolution towards Archetype
00:13:00 Recapitulation and Recirculation
00:17:40 Age of Church, Age of Mary
00:18:46 Part 1 of the Circular
00:20:37 Principle of the Immaculate
00:22:43 Part 2 of the Circular
00:24:08 Incorp. of the Mystery in terms of the Divine Missions
00:31:20 Mediation in the Trinity
00:36:40 Presence of Holy Spirit in Mary: Soul and Body
00:39:15 Procreation and Communication of Natures - Incarnation and Trinity
00:45:00 Prime Matter and Seminal Reasons
00:46:50 Scotus and Common Nature / Scotus and Positive View of Matter
00:49:40 What is the Secular? Good, but yet not Very Good by Grace.
00:57:30 Baptism gives habitual virtues, Incorporation of Immaculate Conception gives Faith stability and liveliness
01:00:15 Secular Christians vs. Sacred Christians
01:03:20 Pre-Evangelization: before making Christians, must make them human
01:06:00 Youth Ministry as progression towards humanization
01:08:40 Feminism, Gender Ideology, and Mary, the Woman
01:10:10 Adam and Eve, Original Sin and Actual Sin
01:12:40 Primacy of Christ: Jesus for his own sake with His Bride-Israel/Mary/Church
01:17:10 Mary: Virgin Earth, Spiritual Bride, Mother of Jesus and the Church
01:19:30 Jesus Assumes Humanity and builds up Bride, the Church
01:21:20 Temple Theology
01:27:40 Immaculate Conception - Mary's disposition to say Yes to God from side of creation
01:29:45 Two typological topoi - Mary as Virgin Earth to New Eve
01:31:00 Kolbe on Feminine/Created as receptive and cooperative
01:40:00 Virgin Earth, Original Sin, and the Parable of the Sower
01:46:00 Bonaventure's Triple Way, from negligence to acedia
01:50:20 Satan falling by refusing to respect Immaculate Conception
01:55:20 Holy Spirit and Mary, Paraclete and Advocate
01:59:00 God is He because Mary is She
01:59:50 Correlation of the Masculine and Feminine
02:03:00 Resistance to Coredemption clarified by Pneumatic Mariology
02:04:40 Benedict XVI: To see what God wants the Church to be, look at Mary
02:06:00 Orders of Communication and of Personal Termination in the Trinity illuminates correlation of Jesus and Mary
02:08:55 Typology of Pre-differentiated Adam, Eve as glory of Adam, Church as Glory of Jesus
02:12:45 Phenomenology of masculine and feminine
02:13:40 Scotus: Ordered Co-causal Unity instead of Thomistic physical instrumental causality

Ave Maria!


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