Learning to say “No!” – Dec 18 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Dec 18, 2021, on how the title of Christ as a "Branch" points to the need to learn to say "No!" to sin and selfishness.
referring to Jesus and the branch that grows from the stump of Jesse, referring to His linage to King David, that seemed to have been destroyed
God is in control and we should trust Him
We are the branches He is the vine and we need to be pruned through the difficulties on life.
We need to do our own pruning by denying ourselves of things, Saying "No!"
Say "No!" to Sin first. and this needs to repeated often.
And "No!" to our selfishness, impulsiveness, egoism, in other words be humble.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Weekdays of Advent - Dec 18
Readings: - http://usccb.org/bible/readings/121821.cfm
1st: jer 23:5-8
Resp: psa 72:1, 12-13, 18-19
Gsp: mat 1:18-24
More on the Readings: https://airmaria.com/r?m=1329
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