Dec 10 – Bl. Hugolinus Magalotti – Franciscan Saint of the Day
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The Life of Bl. Hugolinus Magalotti, Confessor, Third Order (d. 1373) for the Franciscan Saint of the Day for Dec 10. Hugolinus gave away his wealth to the poor orphans and widows. He was known for his great humility and was attacked by the devil. He grew in love of God and was given the gift of miracles.
Reflection is on voluntary humility for greater freedom to grow closer to God following the words of Christ
But also Our Lord's example who was God and left heaven to be one with us and save us.
Consider the reward in heaven for those who give their wealth to the poor, and the poor will also be rewarded.
For more on Bl. Hugolinus Magalotti
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Read by Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, FI from Marion Habig's 'The Franciscan Book of Saints' Revised Edition, Franciscan Herald Press, ISBN: 978-0819907516
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