3 of 5 – Purgatory – The Purgation Process – Br. Gabriel Cortes
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Br. Gabriel preaches a retreat on purgatory called November, Month of Holy Souls. In this third talk, he outlines the purgation process that souls undergo in purgatory.
Purgation Process
A. Undoing what’s been done
B. What we are not, but must be, Scripture
C. Story of St Mary Magdaline of Pazzi
D. Metallurgy of Gold
A. Undoing what’s been done
Christ reaching out his hand to be nailed to a cross undoes Adam’s reaching out his hand to grab illicit fruit to abuse freedom
Christ Crowned in mockery undoes pride of Adam caused forfeited his crown
Christ stripped of his robe undoes Adam's losing the clothing of grace
Reed as a scepter, Adam not standing up to the devil abdicating
Scourging the sensuality of Adam
Father abandons Christ undoes the abandoning of God by adam
Jesus drank the bitter gall undoes Adam tasting what he should not
Blasphemed by criminal, undoes blasphemy of adam, “The woman you gave me, caused me”
B. What we are not but must be, Scripture
1. Broken promises fixed by Christ-loving his friends to the end
2. Selfishness and ambition fixed by Christ taking reproaches on himself
3. Disobedient conduct fixed Christ’s obedience
4. Lying, fixed Book of Revelation, faithful and true
5. Weakness and cowardice, Adam hides behind wife, Christ confronts multitude of soldiers
6. Ignorance and Indolence, fixed by Chris bearing his own cross on his own free will
7. Cling to things, fixed by Christ allowing the soldiers to take his robe.
8. Stinginess, Parable of the Prodigal son and the older brother's bad example.
9. Sensuality and impurity, undone by 40 days of fasting.
10. Pride and arrogance fixed by Crist washing the feat
11. Otrentatious, showiness, fixed by Jesus rejecting being made King running, away
12. Coldness and Ingratitude, fixed by the resurrection of Lazarus where he thanks his father before the miracle is granted
13. impious, irreverence, Jesus was heard because of his reverence
14. Lazy, forget
C. Story of St Mary Magdaline of Pazzi - Apparition of purgatory - show how people atone in various ways suitable to the sins they committed
D. Metallurgy of Gold - Considered precious
But Mined as crude ore in the earth
Needs to be refined in fire
To be acceptable as pure enough
But it is worth it. We become precious
Purgatory Explained by Rev. Fr. F. X. Schouppe, S.J.
Buy: https://www.amazon.com/Purgatory-Explained-Lives-Legends-Saints/dp/0895553015
Read online: https://archive.org/details/purgatory00scho/page/280/mode/2up
Audio: https://librivox.org/purgatory-by-rev-francois-xavier-schouppe/
Also on Youtube: https://youtu.be/47KTCS3QpFU
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-TlYvy_hbw&list=PLejh_e0-LN4zsd9XUd7dbgFmrlmfc6-pV