2 of 5 – Purgatory – Nature of the Realm – Br. Gabriel Cortes

By December 1, 2021Conferences

Views 464

Br. Gabriel preaches a retreat on purgatory called November, Month of Holy Souls. In this second talk, he describes the nature of the realm of purgatory.


The realm of purgatory

Cannot sin

People there want to be there until they are purified enough to be in the presence of God

The location most likely inside the Earth

But that is just an opinion

Regardless, both geologists and medieval theologians believe that the realms below are hot

Place of sustained pain to make expiration for temporal debt due to personal sin.

Any suffering here is mild compared to purgatory and is meritorious so it is very worthwhile to suffer patiently now in Union with Christ's sufferings

5 pains are sensible and more or less severe and render the soul fit to see God face to face

There are no bodies because it's a spiritual realm but there are sensible pains

6 mental happiness knowing we're saved in spite of the physical sufferings

Purgatory will end after the general judgment

Love reigns in purgatory

They do not complain about their sufferings but ask for prayers to be able to see God. It is purely a longing for God that is the basis for a suffering

8 salvation is secured but still need help which they can receive from us for mitigation of sentences

Scapular those who wear it will not go to hell and will be freed from purgatory on the Saturday following entry into purgatory

10 purgatory is populated with people of the body of Christ called The Church suffering

The idea that the faithfully departed are still alive it's part of the reason why we pray to the saints the logic of purgatory and heaven are the same

Story of Driltham, Man raised from the dead who saw purgatory and was completely transformed.

Purgatory Explained by Rev. Fr. F. X. Schouppe, S.J.
Buy: https://www.amazon.com/Purgatory-Explained-Lives-Legends-Saints/dp/0895553015
Read online: https://archive.org/details/purgatory00scho/page/280/mode/2up
Audio: https://librivox.org/purgatory-by-rev-francois-xavier-schouppe/

Also on Youtube: https://youtu.be/V2oQQykit4w


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