1 of 5 – Purgatory – Doctrinal Roots – Br. Gabriel Cortes

By November 30, 2021December 4th, 2021Conferences

Views 552

Br. Gabriel preaches a retreat on purgatory called November, Month of Holy Souls. In this first talk, he covers the biblical and traditional roots of purgatory and how the souls in purgatory need prayers and especially masses said for them.


Story of purgatory Frasen to Father Montfort

Mercy exercised toward the soles and purgatory

Promise to distribute books on purgatory to save son and wife.

Souls in purgatory are very appreciative of prayer and can give graces to us in return

They cannot help themselves though. They need our help

Purgatory Explained by Rev. Fr. F. X. Schouppe, S.J.
Buy: https://www.amazon.com/Purgatory-Explained-Lives-Legends-Saints/dp/0895553015
Read online: https://archive.org/details/purgatory00scho/page/280/mode/2up
Audio: https://librivox.org/purgatory-by-rev-francois-xavier-schouppe/

How All souls Day started

Monastery Clooney under St Odilo

Maccabees make a sacrifice for the souls that perish and battle

Jesus's mentions of punishment after death will not get out till you pay the last penny

First St Paul of the Corinthians 3:13-15

Will be saved yet so as by fire

St Gregory of Nyssa

Pray for the dead that they may be loose from sin

Pope Saint Gregory the Great

In the fire, the sinner is purified

St Thomas Aquinas says something similar

Summa, it is sufficiently clear that there's purgatory after this life.

Council of Trent

The apostles gave us the doctrine of purgatory

Prayers for those in purgatory

Pope Leo XIII

The holy sacrifice of the mass is the most effective way of helping the poor  souls in purgatory

Pius XII

Souls don't want to leave purgatory until they are purified and presentable to God

The love of God and the desire to see him and knowing that they will be able to far out ways the sensible pain they are experiencing purgatory

Prayer helps them get the process done.

World War I

Given the number who died 20 million gave all priests the ability to say three masses per day on All souls day.

Also on Youtube: https://youtu.be/FUWje9hTIM8

YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-TlYvy_hbw&list=PLejh_e0-LN4zsd9XUd7dbgFmrlmfc6-pV


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