Nov 2 – S. of God Mary Catharine Seger – Franciscan Saint of the Day
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The Life of S. of God Mary Catharine Seger, Virgin, Second Order (d. 1637) for the Franciscan Saint of the Day for Nov 2. S. of God Mary Catharine Seger was born in Munich in Bavaria, Germany. She became founding abbess at a Poor Clare convent and held a strong commitment to praying for the suffering souls in purgatory.
Reflection is on Prayer for the souls in purgatory. Prayer for the souls of purgatory is an act of charity to those who have no ability to help themselves and takes time off our own purgatory
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Read by Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, FI from Marion Habig's 'The Franciscan Book of Saints' Revised Edition, Franciscan Herald Press, ISBN: 978-0819907516
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