The Beatitudes – Nov 01 – Homily – Fr Terrance

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Nov 01, 2021, on how the Beatitudes that our Lord gave during the Sermon on the Mount, are an introduction to happiness.


Significance of preaching on a mountain in the bible.

The Law of Moses given holy spirit

Moses comes down from the mountain but the disciples climbed the mountain with Christ

Jesus mountain its a mountain of faith, not fear as with Moses

The distinction between the crowd and the disciples

Sermon on the mount and beatitudes are for the disciples, which today are the baptized, both in the Catholic Church and outside, protestants orthodox, etc

"Blessed" at the beginning of each beatitude, not the same as in the world's eye but in God's

Involves wisdom and virtue but more fully means possession of God

"My kingdom is not of this world"

Beatitudes are for eternal life as well as this life but the world is focused on this world

Seeing things from God's point of view the more we will see things properly

Thus we can see how the poor and the meek and suffering  are blessed

we must see everything in the light of eternal life and in so doing start to live in paradise, in heaven even in this life.


Ave Maria!

Mass: All Saints - Solemnity
Readings:  -
1st: rev 7:2-4, 9-14
Resp: psa 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
2nd: 1jo 3:1-3
Gsp: mat 5:1-12

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