The Beatitudes – Nov 01 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Nov 01, 2021, on how the Beatitudes that our Lord gave during the Sermon on the Mount, are an introduction to happiness.
Significance of preaching on a mountain in the bible.
The Law of Moses given holy spirit
Moses comes down from the mountain but the disciples climbed the mountain with Christ
Jesus mountain its a mountain of faith, not fear as with Moses
The distinction between the crowd and the disciples
Sermon on the mount and beatitudes are for the disciples, which today are the baptized, both in the Catholic Church and outside, protestants orthodox, etc
"Blessed" at the beginning of each beatitude, not the same as in the world's eye but in God's
Involves wisdom and virtue but more fully means possession of God
"My kingdom is not of this world"
Beatitudes are for eternal life as well as this life but the world is focused on this world
Seeing things from God's point of view the more we will see things properly
Thus we can see how the poor and the meek and suffering are blessed
we must see everything in the light of eternal life and in so doing start to live in paradise, in heaven even in this life.
Ave Maria!
Mass: All Saints - Solemnity
Readings: -
1st: rev 7:2-4, 9-14
Resp: psa 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
2nd: 1jo 3:1-3
Gsp: mat 5:1-12
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Hi Fr Terrance, I have another one: like a short lightning of wisdom to share that IF I should be wrong; then, please correct me: I was telling in my comments to other Videos: Frontline TV on Bishop Vigano to Pope Francis; to that video I commented: instead of criticizing RC; they should attend URBI ET ORBI because Roman Catholic has at least TWO WITNESSES from OLIVE TREES or SAINTS, Rv 11;3-4, AMOS 4: the SAINTS who witnessed that the ROMAN CATHOLIC has the True Eucharistic DIVINE BREAD: (1) ST CLAIRE who by presenting the Eucharistic TRUE DIVINE BREAD scared a big mob of Arsonists who had started burning the Monastery; other sisters joined St Claire in procession. (2) ST ANTHONY let the hungry donkey/mule that was unfed 2-3 days, to choose? But the donkey REFUSED to eat the abundant meal of hay; instead the donkey went to prostrate, lowly knelt itself with two front legs bent before the True Eucharistic DIVINE BREAD prepared by Franciscan friar St Anthony. // My Question: Can we observe online URBI et ORBI off season; not on scheduled on every Christmas and Easter? How about Urbi et Orbi + the HOLY ROSARY; because The Lady BVM, can re-prepare and offer all Holy Rosary at the hour of death? I trust the HOLY ROSARY, our Blessed LADY VIRGIN MOTHER MARY. // Fr, please pray for my Brother SAMUEL, in life he has Brain Injury; like St Francis he can call pigeons; but when he married he took the non-RC religion of his spouse; I cannot remember the name of that Sect; and then lately he got infected with COVID19; he cried for losing a job. I told him to watch Urbi et Orbi and told him of the Two WITNESSES Saints; I have not heard from him… he is always obedient to me; and IF God would ask me; I wish for my brothers Samuel and Michael who both went to another religion because of their spouses. / Thank you so much Fr Terrance.