Prayer of Union: Prayer 101: 7th Step to Heaven – Oct 27 – Homily – Fr Terrance

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Oct 27, 2021, where he continues his series Praye 101, Steps to Heaven on how the Prayer of Union is the 7th step, the next step after Prayer of Quiet, where God takes more complete control and draws the soul even closer to Him

Notes: (incomplete please help complete this and add it to the comments)

Therese: the soul is fainting away in a joyous trance and the senses and power to move or think are  incapacitated, but it does not damage but enable greater joy


1 absence of distraction

2 absolute certainty that you are united to God, Devil cannot mimick

3 absence of boredom or fatigue, changes the soul like a metamorphosis,

4 Great desire to praise God and do all for Him


transitory graces yet sanctifying

Four: Missed some

1 Mystical touch - instantaneous contact from God

2 flights of the spirit - strong, unexpected impulse of love of God which leaves the soul with a consuming thirst for God, triggered by some external image or such but with a disproportionate flight by the soul

3 fiery dart -  hidden touches of love that wounds but cauterize, hurts but also gives joy, not physical

4 Wounds of love - similar but more profound and longer-lasting, more of the knowledge of the incarnation and, soul complains to God about being stuck down here

The deeper you go, the more God takes control and the more he unites Himself to us

Pray to Our Lady to be drawn further into prayer.


Ave Maria!

Mass: Wednesday 30th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings:  -
1st: rom 8:26-30
Resp: psa 13:4-5, 6
Gsp: luk 13:22-30

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