Prayer of Quiet: Prayer 101: 6th Step to Heaven – Oct 25 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Oct 25, 2021, on how the Prayer of Quiet is the next step after Infused Prayer and is a further step into mystical prayer where we leave off human effort and let God take control of prayer and go deeper into union with Him.
Foret your own father's house, forget what you are familiar with, even ways of prayers so we can be brought into the ineffable joys of God's inner mansion
St Therese came closest
Quiet as opposed to Infused recollection. Infused is an invitation
Quiet give the soul the gift and possession of God himself
Quiet can be done even with activity, combining Martha and Mary
Seven characteristics of quiet prayer
1 freedom
2 filial fear of God
3 great trust in God and salvation
4 love working for the Lord and doing penance
5 give profound humility
6 Contempt for pleasures of this life as we see the excellence of the joys of heaven
7 leads to an increase in all the virtues
The sleep of the soul's powers, including will and intellect
intoxication of love
councils regarding quiet prayer
1 do not try to put yourselves in this kind of prayer. God Himself will do it because it is a gift, mystical
2 should embrace if God gives leaving behind
3 ignore all distractions let God calm them down
4 flee all occasion to be drawn from
5 Should persevere even during great difficulties
Antonio Marin - Theology of Christian Perfection -
Ave Maria!
Mass: Monday 30th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings: -
1st: rom 8:12-17
Resp: psa 68:2, 4, 6-7, 20-21
Gsp: luk 13:10-17
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