Mary versus Secularism (BONUS: Metaphysics of the Middle) – KBGF 14

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With Dr. J. Isaac Goff, we continue to read through chapter four of The Theologian of Auschwitz by Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner, this time looking at the Purpose, Conditions, and Means of St. Maximilian Kolbe's Militia of the Immaculate. We then look at the integration of the intellect and will as essential for an integral Christian life, and workable only by the action of the Holy Spirit working in those who are, like Jesus, both Children of God and Children of Mary. We even get to see some unpublished writings of Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner on the charismatic life.

The Book:

00:00:00 Opening Prayer
00:02:00 MI versus two types of revolutionary secularism: Bolshevik and Free Masonic
00:05:07 Fatima and MI: Penance, Rosary, Sacred and Immaculate Hearts
00:06:40 MI as within the Franciscan Order, but addressed to the whole Church and based in the Holy Spirit
00:09:40 Purpose, Conditions, and Means of the Militia of the Immaculate
00:13:50 Being a free and personal "instrument" of the Immaculate
00:22:39 Will and Secularism: Indifferentism vs fanaticism
00:25:50 Will and Freedom, Integration of Thought and Prayer
00:37:00 The "middle" of the secular: neither autonomy nor theocracy, neither sacred nor satanic
00:46:00 The evil of secularism: the choice for the secular as rejection of creator and disintegration of an absolute good
00:50:00 Moving through the "middle"
00:53:00 Revelation, interiorization, and supernatural obedience
01:06:00 The "middle" isolated beginning or end: cut off from reality, must make myths instead of truth
01:10:00 Sealed-off middle: obedience as servile, all is will, intellect doesn't enter
01:11:30 Christian Critique of Jordan Peterson: Absolutizing consciousness to expense of metaphysics
01:12:44 Traditionalism: not integrating intellect leading to lack of prudence and over-reliance on external authority
01:20:00 Marian Consecration first and Marian Vow comes later
01:28:47 Marian Consecration and opposition to Kolbe
01:32:47 Transubstantiation into Mary: Union of Love in Christian Life
01:35:10 Primary dogmatic use of "Transubstantiation"
01:36:30 Analogical extension: Mary into Holy Spirit, We into Mary: Recapitulation and ordering
01:42:20 Transformation of person to establish communion between persons: Transubstantiation on personal level
01:47:00 Bonaventure: Love transforms the one loving into the one loved [ut transformet amantem in amantum] II Sent., d. 39, dubium 1, resp.
01:56:30 Russian Orthodox: Florensky and Bulgakov
02:00:00 Charismatic/Mystical/Contemplative Theology: Institutional, Sacramental, Spiritual elements of Church inseparable
02:03:00 Reading unpublished words of Fr. Peter
02:05:12 An uncharismatic faith: supernatural qua habit, intellectual/natural qua lived out
02:05:40 Charismatic faith: supernatural in second act, lived by power of Holy Spirit
02:08:30 Marian Consecration as taking our baptism and state of life to maturity in the Holy Spirit
02:10:30 Born Again without a Mother? Marian Consecration as being Born-Again Christians
02:14:40 Jesus is Center, Mary is Central
02:20:00 Jonathan Pageau and all symbols converging on Christ on Cross and in Eucharist
02:21:20 Mary as hermeneutic for living the Cross and the Mass

Ave Maria!


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