What is First Place in our Hearts Becomes our God – Aug 16 – Homily – Fr Ignatius

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Fr Ignatius gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Aug 16, 2021, on how our possessions can possess us and hinder our ability to continue in the way of the Lord because what is first place in our hearts will become the dominant thing, will become our god. This is presented in the Gospel with the rich young man and the old testament reading where people left the commandments to pursue gods who offered pleasures and possession, a tendency that is very prominent in our modern world.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Monday 20th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings:  - http://usccb.org/bible/readings/081621.cfm
1st: jdg 2:11-19
Resp: psa 106:34-44
Gsp: mat 19:16-22

More on the Readings: https://airmaria.com/r?m=1475

Also on Facebook: https://fb.watch/7qaVvy3CLj/
and YouTube: https://youtu.be/6TnGFbE8MkQ
