Pilgrimage to the Catholic Shrines of Japan, Spring 2022
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Ave Maria!
Fr. Elias Mills, FI is leading a pilgrimage to the Catholic Shrines of Japan from March 23 – April 5, 2022. Come join him for a truly unique spiritual and cultural journey that will include shrines of St. Francis Xavier who brought Catholicism to Japan and the many Japanese martyrs as well as St. Maximilian Kolbe's "Garden of the Immaculate" and the apparition site of Our Lady of Akita.
For more information: https://canterburypilgrimages.com/current-pilgrimages/catholic-shrines-of-japan-with-fr-elias-mills/
For a fascinating history of Catholicism in Japan by Fr. Elias: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Kk7rZUr-6s
Also on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6qVr_53H1SA
and Facebook: https://fb.watch/6n0RK9pRg4/