Profoundly Franciscan – KBGF 11
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Dr. J. Isaac Goff leads us through Chapter 3 of Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner's The Theologian of Auschwitz.
Chapter Two presented Kolbe to us as a proper and "critical" theologian, as in one who remains intellectually true but continues to integrate mind and heart, so both wise and intelligent.
Chapter Three recapitulates this, and shows that Kolbe's analysis is not only theologically valid, but profoundly Franciscan and contemplative. At the heart of the Franciscan Charism is the Cause of the Immaculate, first to establish the truth of Her Immaculate Conception, and now to incorporate that into the life of the Church.
However, Father Peter Damian Fehlner is like Saint Bonaventure in that he speaks of everything everywhere.
Thus topics treated are expansive. We speak of:
- The true formulation of the Critical Question, the erroneous formulation of it by modern philosophy, and the response to it from Bonaventure.
- The proper use of the intellect and will.
- Natural and supernatural faith.
- The limits of subjectivity and the experience of conscience.
- The Bonaventurian structure of the soul and how that is manifested in the structure of theology.
- Language and mystical experience.
- The Absolute Primacy of Christ and the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
- Contemplation and Mission.
- The phrase Potuit, Decuit, ergo Fecit, oft tied to Franciscan Theology.
- Full resolution of philosophy is found in Theology.
- That there is always a personal and voluntary aspect to knowing.
- Paradigms and different theological planets existing within the Church.
- Theological Metaphysics and Biblical Theology.
Ave Maria!