The Marks of a Cult – Apr 24 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Apr 24, 2021, and outlines the marks of a cult based on an article from Fr. Longnecker on National Catholic Register
Here are some notes:
Looks good, more dynamic, filled with the Spirit
Too good to be true, looking for perfect Church thus fall for a mirage, Perfection is to come at the second coming won't find it till then
Us vs them - mentality with a persecution complex. True but becomes us, the "true church", vs the not so true church, can fall into:
Gnostics - Secret knowledge saves
Donatism - Perfectionists
Montanism - New Revelations
Superiority coupled with hypercriticism, Again some truth, heresy, scandals, but
Many new communities can fall into this
1 spirit of criticism is not the Holy Spirit
2 He who is greatest is the one who is the least, not a particular liturgy but humility
Focus on Sensationalism or external things, like Pharisees and scribes, dead men's bones. Partial truth but real holiness is humility and obedience, by which many souls are made righteous
Freedom of Conscience misinterpreted to follow their conscience. But freedom is about religious freedom in the public sphere not in the ecclesiastical sphere
The founder is seen as infallible
Lack of freedom especially to self-criticism, licit things are not allowed to be done or talked about
Big on recruiting others so long as seeing things as the group sees it. If you leave then total rejection. Just praising themselves.
Woh to you Pharisees and scribes
High standard of obedience but superiors don't practice it themselves.
The ends justify the means. SSPX, ends, want to preserve the Old Mass but the means disobedience.
Stress one truth but ignore more important mercy and fidelity stain gnat
Virtue is in the middle
The error of subjectiveness, both extremes end up in the same subjective place
The remedy is to stay close to the Church
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen - Feast
Readings: Saturday 3rd Week of Easter -
1st: act 9:31-42
Resp: psa 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 0
Gsp: joh 6:60-69
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