4 Hell & Purgatory – Fr. Matthias – 2021 Lent Reflections – CONF 548
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Ave Maria!
Fr. Matthias Sasko, FI, gives the 4th of six talks for the 2021 Lenten Reflections at Our Lady's Chapel in New Bedford, Massachusetts titled "What Will Heaven be Like?" where, in this session, he explains Hell & Purgatory.
00:00 - Intro
01:48 - Marian Context
- - - - - - - Devotion to Immcaulae Heart of Mary to avoid Hell
05:16 - What is Hell?
- - - - - - - For those in Mortal Sin
13:48 - Souls of Damned are not Annihilated
15:59 - Did Christ descend into This Hell?
20:31 - Eternity of Hell
23:12 - Why punishment?
25:11 - The Pains of Hell
- - - - - - - Punishment of Loss of God
- - - - - - - Punishment of the Senses
33:09 - The Fires of Hell
- - - - - - - Real Physical Fire
37:41 - Degrees of Punishment
- - - - - - - Varies depending on Sins
40:07 - What is Purgatory?
- - - - - - - Place of just souls for further purification
43:17 - Punishments of Purgatory
- - - - - - - Peace and Certainty of Salvation
- - - - - - - But expiation of Sins
47:07 - Duration of Pains of Purgatory
- - - - - - - not eternal
- - - - - - - Different for Each Soul
47:56 - Praying for Souls in Purgatory
- - - - - - - Prayer, Holy Mass, Good Works, Indulgences
50:00 - Praying to Souls in Purgatory
51:16 - Avoiding Purgatory
- - - - - - - Avoid deliberate venial sin
- - - - - - - Correct vices with virtue
- - - - - - - Penance, Mortification, Good Works
- - - - - - - love of Our Lady
53:40 - Q&A
54:04 - Why did the Souls in Sheol go straight to Heaven?
55:06 - What happens to babies that die without Baptism?
01:02:33 - Are flames of purgatory from Hell?
Also on YouTube: https://youtu.be/9LLgV_wCNiM
For more on this series:
On AirMaria: https://airmaria.com/tag/lenten-reflections-2021/
Playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNxRhzywcr4&list=PLejh_e0-LN4ymogdfP_U_aZ2ERhZeCj9y