Ave Maria Meditations
At the beginning of each day and at prayer, Mass, and Holy Communion, declare earnestly to God that you wish to belong to Him without reserve, and that for this purpose you wish to strive to devote yourself entirely to the spirit of prayer and the interior life.
Let us understand clearly that we shall not acquire true conformity to the will of God until we are perfectly resolved to serve Him according to His will and pleasure, and not according to our own. In all things seek God alone and you will find Him everywhere, but more so in those things in which you most of all renounce your own will.
When you have firmly convinced yourself that you are incapable of doing any good whatsoever, you will give up making resolutions and you will see humbly to God: “My God, I see from so many proofs that all my resolutions are useless. I have undoubtedly been counting too much on myself, but You have truly confounded me. I admit that You alone can do everything. Make me then do such and such a thing; and when necessary give me the thought, the impulse, and the will without which I will never do anything. I have had so many sad experiences of this in the past!”
+Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade