Ave Maria Meditation
Is there anyone, O Lord, who is not in debt to You? Is there anyone who has not someone in debt to him? In Your justice You have determined that in Your rule of conduct toward me, Your debtor, should be in regard to my debtors. Therefore, because I also have sinned-and how often!-I must be indulgent with him who seeks my pardon. In fact, when the time of prayer comes, I should be able to say to You: Forgive me, Lord, my trespasses, and how? The condition is laid down by me, I myself fix the law (as I pray), “Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.”
Oh Lord you have set down in the gospel two short sentences: Forgive and it shall be forgiven you; give and it shall be given to you. This is my prayer: I ask pardon of You for my sins, You will that I should pardon others.
In order to obtain forgiveness, I shall forgive; I shall pardon others, and I shall be pardoned. Because I wish to receive, I shall give, and it shall be given to me. If it is hard for me to forgive someone who has offended me, I shall have recourse to prayer. Instead of repaying insults, I shall pray for the guilty one. When I feel like giving him a harsh answer, I shall speak to You, O Lord, in his favor. Then I shall remember that You promise eternal life, but You command us to forgive others. It is as if You said to me: You are a man, forgive other men so that I, who am God can come to you.
St. Augustine