God Among Us – Nov 12 – Homily – Fr Dominic

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Fr Dominic gives the homily at Griswold, CT on Nov 12, 2020, on how the Kingdom of God is among us. Jesus founded the Catholic Church and God dwells in our hearts in the state of grace. We can be united with Christ by a spiritual communion.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Thursday in the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings:  - http://usccb.org/bible/readings/111220.cfm
1st: phm 1:7-20
Resp: psa 146:7, 8-9, 9-10 0
Gsp: luk 17:20-25

More on the Readings: https://airmaria.com/r?m=994

Also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/90378558559/videos/1808957969260353
and YouTube: https://youtu.be/Jbqch1bRAzE
