4: 00 PM Exposition, Spiritual Reading
4: 15 Vespers
4: 30 Rosary, Sorrowful (54 Day Novena https://queenofpeacemedia.com/fifty-four-day-novena/) & Litany
4: 50 Benediction
Live Stream Schedule: (US Eastern Time):
Mass & Rosary :
Mon-Fri – 7 am (Rosary with mysteries following the 54 Day Novena (Aug 15-Oct 7) see https://queenofpeacemedia.com/fifty-four-day-novena/
Saturdays – Noon (Angelus before Mass, No Rosary after)
Sundays – No broadcast of Mass on Sundays.
Holy Hour Live Stream Schedule (Exposition, Silent Adoration, Vespers, Rosary, Litany, Benediction):
Mon-Sat 3:45-5:30 pm
Sun 4-5 pm (no Silent Adoration)
Rosary Mysteries for Holy Hours – Generally following the usual mystery of the day (Mon – Joyful, Tues – Sorrowful etc.) except when the morning Novena mysteries have already done that mystery, then do the one before.
Friday will be Stations of the Cross instead of the Rosary, except on feast days.
To contribute to AirMaria/FranciscanFriars please go to https://airmaria.com/contribute-4/
Many of the Graphics are courtesy of Fr Lawrence Lew OP at https://www.flickr.com/photos/paullew/
Please support his ministry at: https://rosaryshrine.co.uk/donate/future-decades-campaign/