Sharing Death with Adam and Life with Jesus – Apr 12 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Apr 12, 2020, on how we share much in the suffering from the sin of Adam, culminating in death and through faith we will share much in the sufferings of Christ and thus in the glory of his victory over sin and death. He is risen! Alleluia!
Ave Maria!
Mass: Easter Sunday (Opt 1) - Solemnity
1st: act 10:34, 37-43
Resp: psa 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23
2nd: col 3:1-4
Gsp: joh 20:1-9
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Was there content edited out of this sermon at approximately the 1:00 mark when mortality rates of the Wuhan virus were being compared to mortality rates of the sin of Adam? If so what was omitted? Why? On who’s authority?
Ave Maria!
Scott, Thanks for the feedback. I think the point in the video you are referring to is about at 00:25 into the video and following, that was an editing mistake on my part due to the changes need to make the audio better. I would not have been aware of this if you did not point this out. The unedited version can be heard on our live stream recording here: where you can both hear how the audio needed to be corrected and that there was nothing controversial that needed to be censored. In the process of editing, a small segment got accidentally left out.
The relevant words are: “Because of the sin of Adam, we all share in the experience of death. This is a sharing akin to sharing the coronavirus with someone, to use a present-day analogy. It is not a joyful sharing and the mortality rate for sharing in the sin of Adam, however, is a lot higher than [missing words: that of the coronavirus, as bad as the virus is, the mortality rate of sin remains steady at 100%. There is no up or] down curve. Our English word…
So no censorship, but, yes, it was unfortunate that the missing words refer to a subject matter that is highly controversial. I apologize for this distraction. I hope this helps. God bless. – Friar Roderic
Ah. Thank you Friar Roderick!
Ave Maria