Ave Maria Meditations
In addition to knowing desolation, we are to love it! If we knew the value of the cross, we would receive it with open arms, since it is Jesus Christ we receive on it. Consequently, we are to accept afflictions with love and gratitude to the degree that we are capable, since they are a gift from God, a great grace.
Ordinarily speaking, we receive consolations, sensible graces, and all pleasing things with thankfulness, and we believe that God sends them to us. Why then should we not receive these others and perhaps greater graces with the same gratitude, even though they are severe and painful? “If we have received good things at the hand of God, why should we not receive evil?” (Job 2:10). And with greater reason, since they are evil only for our bodies; for the soul, they are favors, most precious favors.
As a general rule, we are to receive from God’s hand all that He sends us, without reflecting on it and without regarding what He gives us. And we are to receive it with gratitude, for the sole reason that He gives it to us. Similarly, although all crosses are crosses, still some can be more precious than others. Although we are to receive all as from the hand of God, we are to receive the more precious ones with greater love and gratitude.
Now, the most precious of these crosses are desolations! Hence, we are to receive them with the greatest love and gratitude. Blessed desolation that came to purify and sanctify us.(After all) bearing sufferings willingly is more precious to the soul. To the degree that we accept our desolations willingly, to that degree will they be profitable to us. Are we suffering from desolation? Let us adore it. “But I have no strength…” That is natural for our Lord has assured us that we shall never be tried beyond our strength. When He gives us a cross, He measures it out exactly….(and from this we) learn to live in the obscurity of faith.
Servant of God Archbishop Luis Martinez