Worse than Coronavirus, Spiritual Sickness: Rosary is “Vaccine” – Mar 02 – Homily – Fr Andre

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In the homily for Monday of the First Week of Lent (Mar 02, 2020), Fr. Andre points out the present failure to minister to the spiritual needs of others, evidence of widespread spiritual blindness. A spiritual sickness affects many, even in the Church, judging from the failure to respond to crisis with prayer. In the midst of our concerns over the coronavirus pandemic, let us see the great suffering all around, and become aware of our opportunity and our obligation to respond with spiritual assistance. In particular, Father exhorts all to take up the Rosary personally and in public, common prayer as well, to implore grace for ourselves and for our imperiled brothers and sisters.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Monday 1st Week of Lent - Wkdy

1st: Lev 19:1-2, 11-18
Resp: Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15
Gsp: Mt 25:31-46

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