Mary, Co-Redemptrix and New Eve, Prefigured in Old Testament – Jan 29 – Homily – Fr Matthias

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In the homily for Wednesday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time (Jan 29, 2019), Fr. Matthias explains how the Old Testament prepares for the New Testament, and how the central figures in both are always Jesus and Mary, the “New Adam and Eve.” Our Lady’s close association with the Savior is abundantly evident in the New Testament, but also clearly discernible in Old Testament prefigurations such as the Arc of the Covenant, of which we read in today’s liturgy. In contrast with contemporary attempts to diminish the importance of this association between the Son of God and his Mother, Father shares a prayer of Pope Pius XI (message to the pilgrims of Lourdes for the Jubilee of the Redemption, April 29, 1935), in which the Pope clearly acknowledges Mary as Co-Redemptrix.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Wednesday 3rd Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
1st: 2 Sam 7:4-17
Resp: Ps 89:4-5, 27-28, 29-30
Gsp: Mk 4:1-20

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