Mystery of God’s Mercy #1 of 4 – Fr. Josemaria – Mercy Retreat 2020 – CONF 526

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Ave Maria!

Fr. Josemaria gives the first of four talks on the Divine Mercy to the Evansville Men's retreat at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center where he covers the Mystery of God's Mercy,  including:

0:19 - Introduction, Outline of Retreat

4:01 - St Faustina the messenger of God's Mercy and her diary.

10:14 - Why the messages, Reasons for belief.

14:50 - The distinction between Public and Private Revelation, Authority and

18:50 - Role of private revelation is to help our faith, pointing back to Public Revelation, Lourdes, Fatima, Guadalupe, La Salette, Rue de Bac, Miraculous Medal

20:45 -  Build a Church where Jesus dwells, pointing back to Jesus and His Word.

21:42 - Weeping in Heaven for our sins: past, present, and future. Jesus' passion was his hour but it transcends time.

25:00 - God chooses simple messengers, Card. Ratzinger.

26:45 - Mystical graces specific to certain mystics that can't be imitated by anyone. Golden Cincture.

30:45 - Prophetic character of St. Faustina's Diary

31:26 - Distinguish Essence from Secondary Elements, Grace of Sanctification that is for the sanctification of the soul to the one it is given, Gratuitous Grace that are graces for others

33:26 - Mystical graces, can they be given to less holy people?

34:40 - Divine Mercy in the Old and New Testament. Fall of Adam is a lack of trust in God. Golden calf, Christ's passion, cross, resurrection, Spiritual Alzheimers, forgetfulness of God's mercy and salvation history, revert to idols.

37:52 - "Tell the world about My mercy and My love" Remind people of His mercy.

These talks were from a retreat for the Evansville Men's Group on "Experiencing God's Mercy through the Visions of St. Faustina" January 10-12, 2020, at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center. Four talks covered the mystery of God’s mercy, divine mercy in my soul, divine mercy in action, and the spirituality of divine mercy.

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