Spirituality of Divine Mercy #4 of 4 – Fr. Josemaria – Mercy Retreat 2020 – CONF 529
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Ave Maria!
Fr. Josemaria gives the fourth and last talk on the Divine Mercy to the Evansville Men's retreat at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center where he covers the Spirituality of Divine Mercy, including:
Central devotions of the Divine Mercy message and what are the promises attached to them
0:55 - St. Faustina's Vision of Hell paragraph 741 in her diary
6:25 - Summary of Message of Divine mercy - 3 points, A - Ask for mercy, B - Be merciful in deed, word, and prayer, C - Completely trust in Jesus
7:58 - Devotions of Divine Mercy in the message - F.I.N.C.H. - F - Feast, I - Image, N - Novena, C - Chaplet, H - Hour
8:58 - F - Feast - the Feast of Divine Mercy - already existed but rather unknown, a plenary (even more so) indulgence for confession and receive holy communion. JPII made it universal.
Fr. Michael Gaitely - Divine Mercy Explained https://www.shopmercy.org/divine-mercy-explained.html
13:10 - I - Image - Jesus asked to be made, "Jesus I trust in You" - 2 purposes: Means of grace and a sign to remind us to do acts of mercy
Rev. Ignacy Rozycki - Essential Features of the Devotion to the Divine Mercy - https://www.sisterfaustina.com/esfeofdetodi.html
16:46 - N - Novena - Many graces will be given. Nine days starting on Good Friday.
17:46 - C - Chaplet - on normal rosary beads very short, simple. Powerful, Draws from the Mass. Especially for death bed.
19:40 - H - Hour - Divine Mercy Hour, 3 pm hour of our Lord's death. Every day
20:55 - What sets it apart from other devotions? Identified with Mercy Himself, Jesus.
These talks were from a retreat for the Evansville Men's Group on "Experiencing God's Mercy through the Visions of St. Faustina" January 10-12, 2020, at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center. Four talks covered the mystery of God’s mercy, divine mercy in my soul, divine mercy in action, and the spirituality of divine mercy.
For more talks from this event: https://airmaria.com/tag/fr-josemaria-divine-mercy-retreat-2020/
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv7SQeWHNYA&list=PLejh_e0-LN4xHrnvlOxlguLPufD7vqDQA
Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center: https://www.maryschildren.com/
Buy the Diary: https://www.catholiccompany.com/diary-saint-maria-faustina-kowalska-divine-mercy-my-soul-i8063/
Online Diary: https://www.faustyna.pl/zmbm/en/diary-full-text/