How Abortion Can Lead to Sins Against the Holy Spirit – Jan 27 – Homily – Fr Alan
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In the homily on Jan 27, 2020 (memorial of St. Angela Merici, Virgin and Foundress, Monday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time) Fr. Alan relates today’s Gospel with Our Lord’s teaching on blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, also referred to as the “unforgivable sin,” to temptations associated with the sin of abortion. At the root of the “unforgivable sin” or the “sin against the Holy Spirit” is an unrepentant hardness of heart, which amounts to the sinner’s rejection of God’s mercy.
God’s mercy is always offered--even for the grave sin of abortion--but is not always sought or accepted. Let us pray for the repentance and conversion of all who have been in any way involved in procured abortion.
- “Catholic Six Sins Against The Holy Spirit And Abortion” by Fr. Carota (
- “The Unforgivable Sin” by James Akin (
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Angela Merici - Opt Mem
Readings: Monday 3rd Week of Ordinary Time
1st: 2 Sam 5:1-7, 10
Resp: Ps 89:20, 21-22, 25-26
Gsp: Mk 3:22-30
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