“What happens to infants who die without baptism?” – Jan 22 – Homily – Fr Matthias
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On the 47th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision legalizing the killing of the unborn through abortion, (“Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children,” Jan 22, 2020), Fr. Matthias reflects on the tragedy of depriving unborn persons not only of their inalienable natural right to life, but also, quite possibly, from the great grace of supernatural life.
Father explains that the only way that God has revealed that souls can enter into eternal beatitude is through Baptism. Abortion deprives a child of any of the known means of being baptized. We can and do hope in God's mercy for the unborn and all children who die before the age of reason without being baptized, but we cannot say with theological coherence how this might come about. May God have mercy on all and lead us to conversion and a universal respect for human life, from conception to natural death.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
Mass readings
Gospel: Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
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I am going to pray more for mothers who are thinking about having abortions with the intention that they do not make the terrible decision to abort their own baby. Your sermon was really hard to take but inspired me to pray more for the sorrowful reality of abortions. The thought of the baby going through such a sorrowful death and never seeing God after they die is beyond belief. I always thought they would see God. Wow, that makes me want to cry. I hope your sermon next week is a little more joyful! I do enjoy your sermons! You are a gifted priest! Thank God for you and all the priests on AirMaria!