Fr. Vincent Lampert – Armament for Spiritual Battle – Necessity of Exorcists #2 of 5 – CONF 521

By January 22, 2020Conferences

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Ave Maria!

Fr. Vincent Lampert gives his second talk of five at our conference on exorcism in January 2020 on the need for Exorcists in the Church where explains that the Christian Life is spiritual combat and Scripture and the Sacraments are our Sword and Shield against our spiritual opponents.

These talks are part of a conference by Fr. Vincent Lampert, the exorcist for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, held at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center on January 17-19, 2020, on "The Need for Exorcists" in our world that is seeing an increase in demonic activity as our culture becomes less Christian. He explains the role of exorcists in our modern Church and world, how the Church discerns between natural and preternatural activity, how lay people are involved in this battle and how they can protect themselves and help others, how the Virgin Mary helps in this battle and the joy we should have, knowing that Christ has already conquered.

For more talks from this event:

YouTube Playlist:

For more on Fr. Lampert:

Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center:


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