Pro-life: New Moses & Gift of Children – 3/3 – Sidewalk Counselors’ Retreat 2019 – CONF 519
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Ave Maria!
Fr. Terrance Chartier, FI gives the third and final talk for the Sidewalk Counselors' Retreat 2019 where he exhorts them to take on a motherly and parental role of mediation to the mothers seeking abortions and the workers at clinics to show them how children are a gift from God. In this way, the counselors will be imitating Jesus, the new Moses, by leading them up to the mountain of God to find his mercy.
1:15 - Exodus 19-24 Moses on Mt Sinai where the smoke and rumbling of God on Mt. Sinai teaches three things
3:57 - One: God is set apart, holy.
4:40 - Two: God wants to instill the fear of Him in order to prevent them from sinning.
6:20 - Three: Moses is the chosen mediator
God shows his mercy, faithful and loving through Moses' mediation
8:54 - New Moses is Jesus and emphasizes mercy and the fulfillment of the Old Testament, also on a mountain
10:10 - Matthew 5, 6 and 7 - Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount is God as well as the mediator between God and men. Tim 2:5 a greater mediator
12:10 - Beatitudes focus more on the heart and interior dispositions than outward actions as do Moses and the law.
12:44 - Jesus' disciples were with him on the mount. Israelites were off the mountain in fear.
13:18 - At death on Mount Calvary, the veil is torn in the sanctuary, removing the barrier between God and men.
14:10 - Hebrews 12 :18-24 compares mount Sinai to Mt. Zion, city of the living God, with Jesus and his holy disciples, where we can approach God without fear.
16:51 - Matthew 1 - Infancy narrative, Jesus comes as a child, (pro-life angle) Gift from God, when God overshadowed Mary like mount Sinai.
18:48 - Christmas is about receiving the gift of God, the Christ Child, and a new mother.
when we reject gift of God (Christ) or the gift from God (Children) we place ourselves at the base of the mountain or go even further, back to Egypt.
20:52 - Sidewalk counselors encounter people at the base of the mountain and are mediators for them with God.
Have the heart of a mother not only for the babies being aborted, but also for the mothers and the clinic workers
This retreat was held at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center for the spiritual renewal and encouragement of pro-life sidewalk counselors on December 14, 2019.
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